Thursday, February 17, 2022

#6: EOTO Presentations


    One presentation I found interesting was about the history of the United States Postal Service. The US Postal Service began before 1776 in 1775 which shows the significance of such a service to the birth of a nation. Although we take different mail carriers for granted nowadays, whether it be USPS, UPS, or FedEx, it is evident that the original postal service for the United States was a vital addition before the United States could declare itself an independent nation. 

    An efficient and effective form of communication for its time was needed to make the country a more self-sustaining nation. In 1775, Benjamin Franklin was elected the first postmaster general of the postal service, later the postal office department was created in 1792 and was then raised to a cabinet level department in 1872. Finally, with the postal reorganization act, the Postal Service was made into a new federal agency in 1970. The postal service we have today was born on July 1st, 1971 shortly after FedEx's debut on May 5th.

    Today the US postal service has fallen below other competitors such as UPS and FedEx but still maintains the monopoly on letter mail since the beginning. USPS only lacks in the category of package mail which has been an oligopoly with UPS and FedEx since their beginning. 

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